Social Security Disability has many components and can get overwhelming especially if you are just looking into social security disability for the first time. Some common questions about social security disability include Title II and SSD. What do these terms mean?
Title II Benefits and SSD refer to the monthly benefits that you receive after your Social Security Disability Claim is approved.
Title II benefits are monthly benefits that are received from the Social Security Administration once a disability claim is approved. These benefits are not needs-based benefits and because of this, there are no income or asset restrictions to be able to qualify for monthly payments under Title II. In order to qualify for these benefits, you must suffer from a long-term or permanent disability that is expected to last for at least 12 months in order to qualify. This condition must also be severe enough to keep the benefactor from doing any sort of work activity that could be gainful work. Applicants of Title II benefits must also have enough work credits earned from paying taxes into the social security system while working.
Read more: What are Continuing Disability Reviews?
SSD is social security disability insurance it is also referred to as “workers disability,” SSDI, Social Security Disability, or DIB (Disability Insurance Benefits). These fall under Title II of the Social Security Act. To qualify for SSD you must have worked for a certain number of years in a job where Social Security Taxes (FICA) were paid. More specifically you need to have earned enough work credits. You can earn up to four work credits in a year. The number of work credits you need to be approved depends on your age at the time of disability. For example, a 50-year-old applicant will need 28 work credits or to have worked for seven years with at least five years in the last 10 since applying for SSD. You also need to have a medical condition that meets the Social Security Administration’s definition of disability. These benefits are available only to anyone suffering from a condition for a year or longer and that you are not able to perform “substantial gainful activity” (SGA). If you are currently working and make over a set amount ($1,130/month in 2016 and $1820 for blind applicants in 2016)the Social Security Administration will find that you are able to perform SGA and you do not qualify for SSD. If you are approved for benefits you will not begin receiving payments until five months after disability. It is likely you will not be approved until about six months to a year after so in many cases payments start shortly after a claim is approved and will receive back pay starting with the six months after your condition began. This is your disability onset date.
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You will continue to receive these monthly benefits as long as your medical condition prevents you from working. The Social Security Administration will perform a CDR or continuing disability review on your case every one to three years to determine if your condition has improved at all.
It is estimated that about three in every ten workers at the age of 20 will have a disability before reaching a retirement age. In an effort to help pay bills many of these people will apply for social security disability with the Social Security Administration. Once a claim is approved Title II benefits begin and the applicant receives monthly payments, in some cases family members like dependent minors of approved applicants may also obtain Title II benefits.
Anyone interested in applying for Title II or SSD may want to consider hiring a qualified Social Security Disability attorney as they can increase your chances of receiving needed disability benefits.